a differentiated approach to supporting teacher professional learning and leadership in our public schools
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7 Design Elements of HLC Model
What makes Hawaii Lab Cohort an effective approach to teacher professional learning and collaboration that impacts student learning?
The model incorporates the following seven design elements for 21st century teacher professional development (Darling-Hammond, Hyler, & Gardner, 2017):​
emphasizes content focused learning and includes teachers' choice in the learning focus of the cohort
incorporates active learning utilizing adult learning theory (allows for teachers to take on leadership roles within the lab, classroom observations, book talks, etc.)
supports collaboration, typically in job embedded contexts (a community of practice with a common interest, joint work, and the sharing of knowledge/resources in order to create new knowledge)
uses exemplars and modeling of effective practice (from peers, facilitator, outside exemplars)
provides coaching and expert support (from a content specialist and anchor text)
offers opportunities for feedback and reflection (teacher goals, classroom observations, debrief sessions, etc.)
is of sustained duration (participation in the lab is voluntary, teachers can choose to continue their participation or not over the course of the year or a few years).